- Webmin DNS
- install Fedora with GUI
- set static id address with DNS:
- set hostname
- root# cp /etc/hostname /etc/hostname.bak
- root# vi /etc/hostname
- fedora8
- set hosts
- root# cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
- root# vi /etc/hosts
- fedora8.fed8.com fedora8
- install bind
- root# dnf install -y bind
- root# systemctl enable named
- root# systemctl start named
- after install dns server, we modify setting of DNS.
- vi /etc/named.conf
- listen-on port 53 { 10.64.201.x; }
- dnssec-validation no;
- add recursion yes;
- install sendmail
- root# dnf install -y sendmail sendmail-cf
- root# systemctl enable sendmail
- root# systemctl start sendmail
- go to webmin.com to install webmin
- open webmin by https://fedora8:10000
- create master zone
- create A records
- create alias records for FTP
- create MX record with fed11.com. priority 5
- change dns from8.8.8.8 to itself
- transfer dns zone to class dns server
- turn off firewall
- systemctl disable firewalld
- Systemctl stop firewalld
- go to class dns server to create secondary zoon.
- force fedora forward the dns zoon always to class dns server.
- Setup 2nd Domain DNS and Sendmail
- create master zone: fed8.ca
- create MX records
- zoon transfer to class dns
- go to class dns server to create sendory zoon: fed8.ca
- go back to fedora, modify configure file of sendmail: /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
- comment out the line: DAEMON_OPT….
- generate a new configure file of sendmail after any change.
- make -C /etc/mail
- restart sendmail : systemctl restart sendmail
- install alpine for testing.
dnf install -y alpine
- change the access file to add relay:
- generate a new configure file of sendmail after any change.
- make -C /etc/mail
- restart sendmail and test using alpine.
You can test by nslokup -q=mx fed8.com before send mail to the mailbox
- Install Dovecot
- Install dovecot
for fedora and centos:
dnf install -y dovecot
- Check the configure file:
- vi /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
- vi /etc/covecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf
- cd /etc/dovecot/conf.d
- vi 10-auth.conf
- disable_plaintext_auth = no
- save the file and restart the service in outlook turn of secure authentication SPA
- And under the advanced tab uncheck the pop3 ssl authentication
- change the mail folder permission to 600.
- Now we can setup the client email using outlook
Good job, thanks a lot Hualong! Good luck with tomorrow's exam everyone!
good luck to you too!!
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